WHK-1 Hanging Lantern Kit

punched tin 

Classic style, quality and function combine to add a glow of tradition and warmth to your home. This kit makes 2 hanging lamps, each 12" high and 7" diameter. Choose tin or copper for your metal. Unfortunately- Copper choice is not available at this time. 

Order optional sets of metal for each extra lantern you wish to create (electrical fittings are included). We suggest 'made for tin' solder & a 150 W iron (not included with the kit) for this project.
Kit contains:
Tin or copper for two lamps
Pattern for cutting lantern
T-0159 1/16" punch
T-0259 3/8" chisel
2 electric sockets & fittings
12 ft. lamp cord with plug
Patterns & instructions for punching & assembly

All of the metals we offer are approximately 28-30 gauge and have been specially selected for use in piercing and craft projects. It must be remembered that all of these materials are designed for industrial purposes. Every attempt is made to ship products free from obvious flaws and we guarantee that one side of the material will be suitable for use in craft or home decor purposes. However, some scratches and minor flaws are a result of mill handling and must be expected.