RP-1304 Dogwood 12 x 18

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Punched tin
Tin PLate PTT AB Antique Tin Vintage tin Rusted tin Old Zinc Copper Brass Ant.Copper Ant, Brass

RP 1304 Dogwood is available in standard size 12 x 18 on any of our 12 metal choices-

Main Photo is showing this design on Antique Copper

Please call 570)478-4127 or email Custompunchedtin@gmail.com for custom size pricing.

These are made to order panels and will take about 2-3 weeks for ship date or less.

Please note:
* For large quantities, please check for available stock.
* All panels are shipped with mounting and care instructions.
* All designs are set in at least 3/4" from the edge of the metal.

All RP- Ready Punch - ready to install tin panels are treated with a protective coating which, when care instructions are followed, should maintian their original appearance indefintely.

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