Country Accents®is the major source of Artistic Hand PunchedTin, copper, and brass since 1979. Offering designs from the popular folk art pierced tinto historically accurate re-creations of Traditional punched and pierced tin panels, as in the old shaker style furniture, pie safes, jelly cupboards, and more.
Custom sizing and designs is our specialty. We often create designs from a sample of fabric, wall paper, floor or wall tile, china ware, or a favorite decorative accent. Our unique process and artistic talents allow us to offer unlimited custom possibilities in a variety of metals.
Our newest designs reflect a growing interest in pierced tin as room décor, headboards, wainscoting, and artwork for framing.
Also available, is our punch supply line for those wanting to ‘do it yourself’.
Reproduction Pine Hutch
featuring style RP-1176
To view a sampling of of designs and collections, click on one of the following links:
Our unequaled range of
each one hand punched, available in 12 metal finishes to create your very own look! Over 400 pictured in our full line catalog. Order it now!
in many cases, images from one design can be combined with another, creating just the look you desire!
Shown to the right, panel RP-1286 illustrates how selections of different images can be customized into your panels.
This panel features:
wheat from RP-1169,
wheat from RP-A-1042,
and our Custom Border B004.
RP-1286 (unframed)
by the heroic acts of so many people on September 11, 2001 and beyond, we are pleased to introduce our Symbol of National Unity & Patriotism now developed for this medium. Our newest Eagle displays the pride we feel to call America our Home!
We also sell a variety of
For those desiring to create their own. We offer a selection of metal piercing supplies including our hand made metal punching tools, panel blanks, patterns and kits. You may browse our selection from the Craft Your Own catalog.
Country Accents has been greatly honored to have our work appear in such fine publications as:
Better Homes and Gardens
Good Housekeeping Crafts
ABC Home Show
Norm Abram';
'The New Yankee Workshop'
Country Craft Compendium
Crafts of America
We are proud that our products meet the high standards requisite for inclusion in these wonderful sources and we sincerely appreciate the affirmation of our work.
Our collection shown here is only a sample of what we offer in our full line catalog. Download or Order it now
All designs and photographs are copyrighted and are the property of: Country Accents® since 1979.
Feel free to browse through our on-line pages.
All of our panels are hand punched, one hole at a time.
We do not use any equipment other than a hammer and chisels to complete any of our panels, custom or standard sizes.
All designs and photographs are copyrighted and are the exclusive property of: Country Accents ®
615 Dunwoody Rd, Williamsport, PA 17701
Phone: (570) 478-4127 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Fax: (570) 478-2007 anytime